Well the Dickerson/Symonds wedding was just incredibly beautiful. Both sets of parents and other family members of the bride and groom did a beautiful job, and Trish just looked beautiful right along side her handsome husband. I stole these pictures below from Chelsie and Will, and more will be coming later. And because I still can't figure out the whole Blogger photo uploader, these are backwards in order... sorry!

Trish and Russell after being sealed.

Gorgeous. She was a princess.

6 of the 8 bridesmaids setting up for a pose.

The only refreshments served at the reception were sugar. That should explain the photo.

4 of the bridesmaids ran to the local Safeway to get decorative stuffs for the get-a-way mobile. We got some interesting looks... at least we didn't look like high schoolers!

I love to see the temple.

First appearance as Mr. and Mrs. Dickerson!!

My awesome hair.

Oh Chelsie I love you!

In the atrium right before the couple got sealed.
Vicki, you can drag and drop the pictures where you want them...it's about the only way to get them in the order you want, then before you post hit the preview button and it will show you what it will look like.